Aiken and Associates

Professional Coaching and Consultative Services
Coaching ServicesAbout Chris

Contact  Me: [email protected]

Take your next step now!

Is coaching for you?

A 30-minute complimentary discovery call is the best way to learn this. During this video session, you will learn how others have found solutions through working with a Faith-based Life Coach. You will have the opportunity to discuss your specific situation and learn how a modest investment on your part can reveal the answers, formulate the plan, and launch you into the results you desire!

During your discovery call, Dr. Aiken will help you decide if the answers to moving forward are within your grasp. Whether you are looking to take your relationship/marriage to the next level, walking through an important transition, find yourself somewhat “stuck” in an important area of life, or are ready for the next step in your leadership journey… why not see how coaching can help you unlock your potential. Book your complimentary 30-minute Discover Call today.

My Approach To Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coaching?

Coaching approaches varies in form based on the type of outcome you desire. What is common across the spectrum is our firm belief that YOU are the expert on YOU. Because of this, your coach is more guide than guru. Employing a number of discovery tools throughout the relationship, your coach will help you identify your best course of action to achieve the results you’re looking for. 

Is Coaching like Counseling?

Not at all. Sure, both involve conversations, diagnostic tools, and some encouragement. The biggest difference that most people observe is that coaching is decidedly forward-focused. Where counseling or therapy may seem to look backward to identify causal events or circumstances that are affecting you now, coaching begins in the present, helps you identify and articulate your desired future, and then assists you with the tools to move purposefully toward achieving that goal. While this is a somewhat simplistic definition, it does seek to illustrate the heart of the difference between traditional therapy/counseling and coaching. 

Why does someone choose coaching?

Every top-performing athlete has a coach. Think about that for a minute. The greatest golfer in the world has someone who help him see things about his swing that he cannot easily identify. The same is true for basketball, football, or any other professional sport. For as long as you can remember, the world’s top executives have found value in investing in coaching services to become more productive, more effective, and more aware of her surroundings. Chris and Jodi have been married for more than thirty-five years and still find immeasurable value in the coaching process to strengthen, refine, and flourish in our relationship. Coaching clients choose coaching because they recognize more potential than is being experienced in the present, and they want to unlock that potential faster and with greater success than could be done through reading a book or trudging through some self-help process alone. 

You advertise consulting services as well...what is the difference?

Chris employs more than two decades of experience leading churches of all sizes and at nearly every stage of development to help them and their leaders identify and address concerns with such matters as succession planning, transitions, pastoral search processes, organizational renewal, and leadership coaching. Chris has taught and presented at numerous events on the subjects of organizational health, change management, and cultural renewal. He has coached and consulted with senior church leaders to help them lead with more intentionality, effectiveness, and personal satisfaction, sharing principles and strategies discovered in studying thousands of churches. Chris has assisted numerous churches and leaders to break free from destructive cycles to become more effective stewards of what the Lord entrusted to them as leaders in the church.

How long does a coaching relationship last?

While there are times when one or two conversations accomplish the goal, most clients find that a structured program over 3-6 months is more effective and produces more sustained results. This is why Chris usually suggests a minimum coaching package of three months. On the other hand, some clients enjoy having a coach “at the ready” and desire an ongoing relationship that can last a year or more. For example, a client experiencing significant relational difficulty or seeking to restore broken trust may stay engaged in a coaching relationship for a year or more as they establish new rhythms of communication and effective boundaries that promote strong and fulfilling marriages. 

How are privacy matters handled?

We observe the ethical guidelines of the profession articulated in the Code of Ethics of the American Association of Christian Counselors and the International Coaching Federation. More information is available on the About page or can be provided during your Discovery Call. In short, we do everything legally permissible to protect our clients’ privacy. While the coaching relationship is not afforded the same legal protections of privilege that are available in the attorney-client or therapist-patient relationships, for example, confidentiality is diligently maintained unless a court order or safety concerns dictate otherwise. 



(252) 908-4201


[email protected]


North Carolina